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Smooth nicotine absorption, best taste & smell, natural essential oils.


All purchases over €150 are eligible for free shipping.


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Important questions

Killa is a modern company specializing in the sale of nicotine pouches, switches, chewing bags, nicopods, and many other products. We are true experts in our field, offering reliable and high-quality items. Thousands of customers worldwide trust us.

Killa is a high-quality organic product. It offers several advantages, including natural ingredients, wonderful flavors, a pleasant aftertaste, and relative health safety. Our product contains no tobacco, no tobacco smoke, and no harmful substances, making it much safer than cigarettes or vaping.

Thank you for the clarification. If “sol” refers to a specific substance or context that wasn’t clear in the original text, please provide more information, and I’ll be happy to adjust the translation accordingly.

All Killa products are available for purchase in our online store. You can easily order any product you like. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our online consultant; they will always be there to assist you.

Certainly! We regularly hold giveaways for all our customers. We also frequently offer discounts and even promotions for free items. All Killa products are available for purchase in our online store. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our online consultant; they will always be there to assist you.

Killa products are unique and diverse. We offer hundreds of different flavors and flavor lines. We don’t focus on just one thing. In our online store, you can easily find both lighter and stronger flavors. For example, the Pablo product range is perfect for those who enjoy intense sensations. On the other hand, the Mini product range is more delicate and suitable for girls and beginners. We recommend comparing all the products based on the features provided or reaching out to our online consultant; they will always be there to assist you.

It’s simple! Follow our Instagram account There, you can always stay updated on new products, discounts, promotions, and giveaways, and, of course, participate in them yourself. Link:

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